The answer to this question is not easy. There are many factors involved in the cause of weight loss. However, there are some things which are known about it:

1) Dieting causes your body to burn fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates (which are used up during physical activity). Therefore, you will lose weight if you follow a diet with low carbohydrate content.

2) If you exercise regularly, your body burns up excess calories. These extra calories are stored as fat in your body. Therefore, you will lose weight if you start exercising regularly.

3) You can also gain weight if you eat too much food and do not exercise enough or don’t have enough energy to keep yourself going. So, the key factor here is balance between eating and exercising!

What type of exercise should I do?

Any and all types of exercise burns calories and will help you to lose weight. Lowers intensity exercise such as walking, swimming and cycling are great for burning calories and offer other health advantages too.

Cycling indoors with an indoor exercise bike is a convenient way to fit your exercise into the schedule of your everyday life without having to leave the house at all.

Why does losing weight slow down?

If you want to lose weight quickly, then you need to reduce your calorie intake drastically. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day, then you will need to cut down on those calories by at least 500 each day. Then, after two weeks of such a reduction in caloric intake, your body will begin burning off the remaining 1000 calories from its stores. After three weeks of such a reduction in caloric intake, your body will begin burning off the remaining 800 calories from its stores.

If you want to lose weight quickly, then you need to reduce your calorie intake. However, if you decrease your calorie intake too much, it may lead to weight gain. This is because when you consume less calories than your body needs, it starts burning them off as heat rather than storing them as fat. Thus, the amount of weight that you lose will be slower than if you consumed fewer calories but burned more of them through exercise.

After four weeks of such a reduction in caloric intake, your body will begin burning off the remaining 600 calories from its stores. This process continues until finally your body has begun to burn fat for fuel, at which point it is no longer possible to lose any more weight.

What is binge eating?

Binge eating is a term used to describe a pattern of excessive eating, in a short space of time.

The best way to lose weight is to create a caloric deficit that causes the body to burn fat as fuel. However, in order to create a large enough caloric deficit to cause the body to start burning off fat, you’ll need to limit your calorie intake, which can be hard. This can be done by eating a low-calorie diet, by increasing your energy burn through physical activity, or by a combination of both. It is often used as a derogatory term to describe individuals with eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, and it is also sometimes used to describe someone who has eaten too much in the context of a party where there is a lot of food. However, many people use the term “binge eater” as a positive description – for example, “That person is a binge eater, but not to the extent of being classified as a bulimic.”

A low-calorie diet is one that contains a small number of calories for each of the daily recommended allowances. This means that you’ll be able to follow a low-calorie diet without suffering from malnutrition.

However, when losing weight, it is often useful to consume additional calories through the consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. A common misconception of weight loss is that consuming large amounts of fruit and vegetables will cause you to gain weight.